Sunday, August 29, 2010

"Have I taught you if you haven't learnt? No"

(Yesterday's lecture was about beliefs and values. I thought through them this morning in the context of my life and it finally makes sense now. That's why I always believe we're the only ones who can 'help' or 'teach' ourselves.

The greatest teacher is the one who's able to make us think by giving us a few words or ideas, not the one who feeds us with information. Because we'll never learn if we don't think it through, in our own context. It's just impossible to put ourselves in others shoes. And if we never think, we'll never learn, regardless of how good a teacher is.)


When I heard the quote above, the first thing that entered my mind was, "but it's our fault for not listening, it's not that you haven't taught well". The role of a teacher is to help us learn, and if we haven't learnt, his aim has not been met. Therefore he hasn't taught, simple as that. Similarly, we haven't fulfilled our role as a student if we haven't learnt.

Why do I keep thinking about what is right, and wrong, or who's in the wrong and who's not? My mom is a person who judges everything by the means of it being "right" OR "wrong". As I grew out, I found myself being influenced by her as well.


can't say i'm blogging for people to read, because most aren't interested in these yet I'm still blogging about them.

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